
W2-Professur Interventionelle Radiologie

Fields with ( * ) are mandatory

Personal details (mandatory)

* Last Name
* First Name
* Current position
* E-mail address
* Location (work)

Additional personal information

Title (e.g. PhD, MD) Sex
Date of birthDay: Month: Year:

Severe disability >50 % (please add a short explanation or documentation, if applicable)

DoctorateLocation Month: Year: Grade

HabilitationLocation Month: Year: Venia Legendi

PublicationsNumber of original works (without overviews, reviews, and book chapters)
Of those first/last author
Cumulative impact factor (of original works of the past 5 years)

Third Party Funds (sum of the last 5 years in €)

Files (mandatory)

* 1.1 Short application form

* 1.2 Detailed curriculum vitae (tabulated)

* 2. Scientific qualification

* 3. Research profile

* 4. Publication history

* 5. List of Third Party Funds and Clinical Trials

* 6. Teaching

* 7. Early career researchers (Supervision of doctoral candidates)

* 8. Brief concept regarding the exercise of the UMG professorship

* 9. Certificates and references with relevance for the position

(More Details)

Dateien (optional)

cover letter

Publication 1 Publication 2
Publication 3 Publication 4
Publication 5 additional documents

* All statements were made according to the guidelines for Good Scientific Practice

* I have taken note of the references to data protection Hinweisschreiben_Datenschutz_Bewerbungsverfahren_Professuren_englisch.pdfHinweisschreiben_Datenschutz_Bewerbungsverfahren_Professuren_englisch.pdf

Date: 03/13/2025

(c) This registration system has been created by GWDG, Göttingen.