International Max Planck Research School for
Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials

Online application

This registration form has to be filled in English according to the guidelines provided.
All fields marked with an ! are obligatory.
Please fill in the registration form and check all entries, before you click the SUBMIT button.
Please note that you cannot change your data once they are submitted!
After successful online submission you will receive confirmation by email to the address you provided. This may take up to a few hours. If you haven’t received a confirmation email after 24 hours, please contact us by email.

1. Personal information

!Family name
!Given name(s)
Middle name(s)
!Date of birthYear Month Day:
City and country of birth
!Email address (only one)
(your email address has to be valid during the entire selection process, i.e. for several months)

Current Address
Postal ZIP Code

2. Education

2.1 Current / most recent degree

!Degree, field
(e.g. M.SC. in Physics)

Grade (GPA, percentage)
(If you provide a GPA, please indicate the maximum GPA as well, e.g. 3.82/4)

!(expected) date of completionMonth Year
Research experience
(max. 200 characters)

2.2Previous degrees (from Bachelor degree onwards)

Degree 1
Degree, field
Grade (see 2.1)
Date of completionMonth Year

Degree 2
Degree, field
Grade (see 2.1)
Date of completionMonth Year

Degree 3
Degree, field
Grade (see 2.1)
Date of completionMonth Year

2.3Scholarships, awards, memberships, rankings

2.4Language skills

3. Project preferences

!Please select up to three projects you are most interested in (one selection is mandatory).

4. Contact information for two referees

It is not necessary for you to upload the reference letters with your other documents or ask your potential referees to send us their letters directly. We will contact them ourselves if we feel that we might need a letter from them to support your application. So please only inform your potential referees that we might contact them at some point during our selection process.

Referee 1
!Name and academic title(s)
Position/relation to applicant, e.g. thesis supervisor

!Email address
URL (if available)

Referee 2
!Name and academic title(s)
Position/relation to applicant, e.g. thesis supervisor

!Email address
URL (if available)

5. How did you find out about IMPRS-CPQM?

6. Is there anything else we need to know about you?

(Limit of 500 characters.)

7. File upload

Please upload only pdf files, max. 20 MB in total.
You can upload only one single file per item - if necessary, please combine relevant documents, e.g. certificates and transcripts, into a single file.

!Motivation letter: please describe your motivation for applying to IMPRS-CPQM and why you would like to work on the project(s) selected above (stating your priorities, if applicable)

!CV with full academic record

!Degree certificate and transcript of current / most recent degree (if you don't have official documents for your current course of studies yet, please include information about your coursework in some other way)

Certificate and transcript for other degrees if considered relevant

Certificates of language tests if available

Other relevant documents

8. Confirmation / Agreement



9. Data Privacy Statement

!The collected data will be processed for the purpose of the selection process only, i.e. assessment, statistics and evaluation. Mandatory fields are indicated accordingly. You are free to submit further optional data where applicable.

The submitted data will be stored on servers belonging to the Max Planck Society. Individual and secure access to the data will be granted via state-of-the-art method of encoding. The data will be stored until the selection process is completed and then destroyed in a manner compliant with data protection regulations.

The system does not allow you to save this form containing your data, and the completed form will not be sent back to you. Thus, if you would like to have a copy for your own records, please make sure to create and save a copy, e.g. by printing it to a pdf file, before clicking the “Submit” button.

This registration system has been created by GWDG, Göttingen / Germany.